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October 11th, 2021 × #css#colors#accessibility

Hasty Treat - Neat Things in CSS Color - Current and Coming!

Discussion of current and upcoming CSS color features like contrast functions, accent colors, color mixing, new color spaces and alpha transparency options.


In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about all things color in CSS, both current and coming soon!

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Show Notes

04:39 - color-contrast()

  • Part of CSS5! Maybe.
  • The color-contrast() functional notation takes a color value and compares it to a list of other color values, selecting the one with the highest contrast from the list.

06:01 - Accent color

07:34 - currentcolor

08:54 - Profiled color values - color()

11:00 - color-mix()

14:18 - Space-separated functional color notations

  • rgba(255 255 255 0) instead of rgba(255,255,255,0.5)

15:28 - RGB and HSL with Alpha

  • rgb() and hsl() can take alpha and percent values - rgb(0 0 0 / 50%) or rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5)

18:22 - Hex + Alpha values

  • How do you remember?!?!
  • Transparent

21:49 - lch(), lab(), hwb() notation

  • CIELAB color space aka Lab is a color space.
  • A color space is an organization of colors in coordination color profiling supported by various physical devices, it supports reproducible representations of color
  • Lab is intended as perceptually uniform
  • Perceptually uniform - a perceptual uniform color space ensures that the difference between two colors (as perceived by the human eye) is proportional to the Euclidian distance within the given color space.

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